New Generation’ Schizophrenia

Berke Can Ongun
4 min readMar 8, 2019


According to The City University of New York (CUNY), nearly 5 million children in the U.S. have some type of serious mental illness. Every year, 20% of American children are diagnosed with a mental illness.The term “mental illness” is not entirely accurate, because there are many physical factors that might be involved in the development of a mental disorder. As such, many mental disorders can be effectively treated with medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of both. What are these illnesses? Eating disorders, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and etc. The most commonly known mental illness is schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder characterized by the breakdown of the thought processes, of emotional responsiveness and of contact with reality. The term schizophrenia itself means “fragmented mind” (UPMC).

A person with this disorder has trouble with deciphering between what is “real” and what is “unreal”. This is really important problem for them. There are some medications for schizophrenia. Antipsychotic medications have been available since the mid 1950s. These medications are effective but all of them have some dangerous side effects. Until scientists find new more helpful medications, we can teach their families or we can send them to the rehabilitation centers.

Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and acts. Although schizophrenia is not as common as other mental disorders, it can be very disabling. According to studies of National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), approximately 7 or 8 individuals out of 1,000 will have schizophrenia in their lifetime. People with the disorder may hear voices or see things that aren’t there. They may believe other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. This can be scary and upsetting to people with the illness and make them withdrawn or extremely excited. It can also be scary and upsetting to the people around them. According to schizophrenia research institute, it creates family disruption. Family disruption is often exacerbated by the tendency of parents or siblings to look for a reason why the illness has happened. This intuitive reaction sometimes leads to the ‘shame and blame’ syndrome, causing rifts between family members. It is difficult for such families to accept that the illness is nobody’s fault.

Medication can help, but it is not the best solution. The causes of schizophrenia are still unknown, treatments focus on eliminating the symptoms of the disease. Treatments include antipsychotic medications and various psychosocial treatments. There is two kinds of medications, first generation and second generation. First generation medications have been using since 1950s and the second generation antipsychotic medications were developed in 1990s. These new medications are called second-generation or atypical antipsychotics. But these two kind of generation antipsychotic medications have some dangerous side effects. Which are like drowsiness, dizziness when changing positions, blurred vision, rapid heartbeat, sensitivity to the sun, skin rashes, menstrual problems for women (NIMH). They may encounter more dangerous disturbances when they try these medications, which have side effects.

We should start something else to help them until new and more harmless medicines are found. For example we can start with their families, teach them helpful stuffs about schizophrenia. Their education and supports may more helpful than the harmful medications. Because family education and support teaches relatives or interested individuals about schizophrenia and its treatment and strengthens their capacity to aid in their loved one’s recovery. Also psychotherapy is a good solution too. Psychotherapy focuses on changing unhelpful patterns of thinking and behavior. The therapist teaches people with schizophrenia how to test the reality of their thoughts and perceptions, how to “not listen” to their voices, and how to manage their symptoms overall. It can help reduce the severity of symptoms and reduce the risks.

Family and friends can help their loved one with schizophrenia by supporting their engagement in treatment and pursuit of their recovery goals. Positive communication approaches will be most helpful. It can be difficult to know how to respond to someone with schizophrenia who makes strange or clearly false statements. Remember that these beliefs or hallucinations seem very real to the person. It is not helpful to say they are wrong or imaginary. Instead, calmly say that you see things differently. Tell them that you acknowledge that everyone has the right to see things his or her own way. In addition, it is important to understand that schizophrenia is a biological illness. Being respectful, supportive, and kind about inappropriate behavior is the best way to approach and help people with this disorder. After all of them, i believe that one day, people will survive from these kind of mental illness.

Work Cited

Kirstin Fawcett. How Mental Illness is Misrepresented. USnews. April 16, 2015.

T. M. Luhrmann. Redefining Mental Illness. New York Times. January 17, 2015.

University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Schizophrenia. AAFP. June 15, 2013.

